Empowering homeless women and their children to achieve permanent, independent living.
"The Lake County Haven is a strong, compassionate and well-run organization with the right tools to help women on the rough road from substance abuse to recovery."
Jodi GingissCommunity Development Administrator for Lake County
"Every day for 25 years, ...Lake County Haven quietly saves lives."
Daniel B. ShanesChief Judge of the 19th Judicial Court of Lake County
"The Lake County Haven is a bright light for people who are facing the challenge of homelessness. Residents are treated with a respect that honors their dignity and encourages change. They are set firmly on the path to independence and a full and transformed life."
Rev. Patricia SnickenbergerSt. Lawrence Church
"The Lake County Haven provides a safe and structured environment that provides more of a home atmosphere than a shelter and… I wish Lake County Haven continued success."
The Lake County Board
"I commend the Lake County Haven for its outstanding service to women and children in Lake County and our community."
Terry L. WepplerMayor of Libertyville
"The Lake County Haven is honored for their outstanding success in providing shelter and hope for those in need."
Supervisor and Board of TrusteesLibertyville Township
"Once again, let us compliment the Lake County Haven on the many ways that it continues to serve homeless and transitioning women in the area. You clearly provide an essential and excellent service to the population you serve… It is our opinion that the Lake County Haven has the passion, dedication, and community support to continue to provide high quality services to a population in desperate need of these services."
Hazelden Foundation
"Lake County is a better place because of Lake County Haven."
Daniel B. ShanesChief Judge of the 19th Judicial Court of Lake County
Program Achievements

of our residents graduated to the next level of safe, stable, independent living!
of our residents learned skills to manage their finances.
of our residents saved a nest egg.
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